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The Feng Shui Mini-Course - Life Changing Lesson #2

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life-Changing Lesson #2:
The Five Essential Elements of Feng Shui

Rock, scissors, paper. Remember that game you used to play as kids?
Well, maybe there was more truth in the game than you knew. Feng shui, in addition to utilizing the existing qi or available energy all around us, also uses five of the essential elements of nature to help you boost specific areas of your life.

These elements are . . . well, elemental to the workings of this ancient art. By placing symbols representing these five elements strategically around your home - or your office, or even just one room - you can help to attract that positive qi that's essential to a successful feng shui treatment.
So just what are these elements?

Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water.
Each of these in the art of feng shui has a variety of objects which represent it. For example, the wood element is represented by living plants. Each element also is associated with specific colors and even shapes. One of the shapes which symbolize the fire element is the triangle. When you correctly place the designated feng shui element in the area of your concern (and you'll learn about that in an upcoming lesson, so just be patient!) you can, according to the feng shui masters, literally change your fortune.

The converse then is also true. For example, if you're experiencing a drain in your finances right now, it's more than likely because of poor placement of one of these five elements
In our next lesson, you'll learn about what the "ultimate" map of your home is! Armed with this knowledge, you'll be able to tackle specific areas of your life in order to start changing your fortune from bad to good - with only the slight change of an object or two of your house!

Until next time, here's another tip to help transform your life:

Feng Shui Tip for Better Living #2: Do you feel as if your finances are being sucked into some invisible black hole? Try this feng shui quick fix: Keep all of the drains in the sinks and tubs of your home blocked. That's right. Feng shui practice holds that drains without stoppers may allow your money to come into the house, only to be washed down the drain. And, of yeah, keep that toilet lid closed too! Now, sit back and watch your bank account grow!