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Life Changing Lesson #3

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #3:
Introducing the Importance of Your Ba-Gua

If nothing else, learning about feng shui will provide you with a whole new vocabulary to use at work to improve co-workers, friends and family. First there was qi. And now we've got another one for you "ba-gua."

In feng shui terms, it's the ultimate map of your home. Feng shui divides every house, room or even office desk into nine equal parts - each part symbolizing some vital area of your life. The areas include, career, romance, family, knowledge and wisdom, wealth and prosperity, fame and reputation, children and creativity, health, travel and attracting helpful people,

What you place in these areas and - equally as importantly - what you don't place in some of them, determines your positive qi.

So what do you use to determine your placement? You guessed it, symbols, colors and objects from the five essential elements. Each of these nine portions of your house is associated with one of the five essential elements. When you get these two working together in harmony, then you're creating some beautiful, harmonious qi.

As a quick example, let's just take the children and creativity sector of your home. Here's one quick way, according to one branch of feng shui to determine its placement within your house. Stand at your front door looking into the home. The area that corresponds to children and creativity is located on the wall to the far right of the home.

The element associated with this life sector is metal. Want to ensure your children are doing well? Need to spark some creativity in your life? Or perhaps you're trying to conceive? What could possibly be more creative than that?

This is where you want to place some metal objects. Metal is the element associated with this life section. Photos of children encased in silver or gold picture frames would work.
That's the fundamental theory. It's just that simple and easy.

Can't wait until the next lesson to get more feng shui ideas? Then go to The Feng Shui Man to discover how you can start using the vital laws of this ancient art today.
In your next lesson, you'll learn how to apply the ba-gua to any room in your home.
Until then, here's another life-changing feng shui tip:

Feng shui tip for better living #3: Clutter in your home is the number impediment to the proper flow of qi. If you do nothing else but eliminate the clutter throughout the entire house, you'll undoubtedly feel an increase in positive qi! It's a tall order, but then, your luck hasn't been so great lately. (Yeah, that sprained ankle from tripping over that toy lying in the middle of the living room didn't help any, now did it?)