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Life Changing Lesson #9

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #9
The feng shui secret to clearing bad qi from your home

This is lesson #9 in the mini-course on discovering the life-changing secret of feng shui. Today's secret concerns eliminating and keeping the bad qi from your house.

It's a sad fact of feng shui life, that even after you've placed every accessory properly and lit all the candles in the proper life sectors of your house, you still may attract now and then negative energy.
But there's a quick and easy way to help deal with that. The feng shui secret is to use sound. Indeed. 

Once you've arranged you house or your room according to the feng shui plan make noise. Yeah! Oh, if you want to get technical, you could ring a bell in each room of your house. But if you don't have any handy, just go into every room and clap your hands. This helps to break down the accumulation of any lingering negative energy.

To help keep that negative qi at bay, you'll want to place items that make sounds throughout your house, concentrating on specific areas you feel the most improvement. For example, if you want to make sure that you don't have any more bad luck with finances, place a noise maker in the wealth and prosperity corner of your house.

What kind of noisemaker? Objects that make ringing sounds are best. Bells are the traditional objects in feng shui practice. But, again, feng shui has a modern version of ringing sounds as well. Telephones, alarm clocks. Anything that rings can be used for this purpose!

And the best part is, they don't even have to ring to clear the bad qi! As long as they have the potential and the capability of ringing, you'll keep the negative energy out!

In our tenth and final lesson, you'll discover the final, ultimate feng shui secret to pulling all this information together - and ensuring a healthy, happy feng shui home!

Until then, here's another life-changing feng shui tip:

Feng shui for better living tip #9: An easy way to help bolster your prosperity is by placing anything green or purple in this corner of your house. Wealth and prosperity reside in the far left corner of your house as you stand at your front door facing in. Do this and the next thing you know, you'll have cash flow like you wouldn't believe!