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Life Changing Lesson #5

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #5
Re-igniting that love life with feng shui

Welcome back to lesson #5 of your 10-part mini-course on feng shui. So far in each lesson, we've discovered a new guiding principle of this ancient Chinese art. In this lesson, we're selecting one life sector and showing you how to improve that area using its associated element, colors and shapes. Are you ready? Then let's not waste any more time.

Let's talk romance. Whether you're single or married, feng shui has some subtle methods of spicing up that sagging relationship or helping you start a sizzling new one!

You'll recall no doubt that the relationship corner is in the far back corner of your house as you stand at your front door looking in. Or, you can apply these principles to the far right corner of any room.
The element associated with romance and relationship: earth. The colors of this area are pink, red and white.

If you're trying to attract the love of your life, begin accentuating this corner with these three colors. But don't stop there. Look at the walls. Do you have any photos of you standing alone? Or even of other people who are featured singly in the photo. Remove them right now. Take them to another part of the house.

Photos of individuals alone, according to the guiding principles of feng shui, only produces that result: you spending your time alone! Replace these images with those of people - or even birds - in pairs. Your aim is to convey the idea of couples - loving couples in fact! If you have no photos, even placing two of anything in this corner helps. If this corner of your house happens to be where your bedroom is, use two pillows to illustrate this point.

Now, you're well on your way to creating a new romantic relationship - or reviving the one you have! Just give that qi a little time to work and before you know it, the partner of your dreams will be knocking at your door!

In the next lesson, you'll learn how the color yellow may help boost your energy and increase your vitality - just by following a few basic feng shui principles.
Until next time, here's another life-changing feng shui suggestion:

Feng shui tip for better living #5: Want to attract a "mentor" to help you in your business or help guide you in creating goals for your long-cherished-but-never-realized dream. Then place a statue or an image of an angel in the lower right corner of your home (as you stand at your front door facing in). This is the corner that feng shui says encourages the meeting of helpful people.