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Life Changing Lesson #6

Life Changing Lesson #6
How yellow can boost your health!

Yellow. It's the color of sunshine. It's bright and energetic. So it's not surprising that it's the main color associated with the health area of your home, according to feng shui principles.
And in this lesson, you're going to learn that some judicious use of this color may help boost your health in some unexpected ways.

The health area of your home lies smack dab in the center, you'll recall. It's the only life area that touches on all the other eight areas. This is quite symbolic. You know the old saying, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything!" Your good health - and that of the rest of your household - reflects on every other thing you do.

Want to improve your health? Need to turbocharge your energy? Then place something yellow in this area, right now. The essential element that symbolizes this area is the earth. Your most effective way of improving the flow of positive qi in this area is to choose some yellow flowers to place here. At the very least, find a nice photo of yellow daffodils to display on your wall.

If your bedroom falls in the health sector, then choose yellow bedding or yellow curtains for the motif. You may even want to place some yellow candles in this area.

If your health sector falls in your dining room, think yellow as part of the colors of your tablecloth. It would be perfect if you could place your dining room table in the center of this room, then it the placement would correspond with the center of the ba-gua map for the dining area - and would just double the effectiveness of the qi. Place live, yellow flowers as the center piece of your dining room table.

If your life area naturally falls in the kitchen, try using cups or plates with some type of yellow accent. You may even want to find curtains that are yellow. Or you may want to accessorize your kitchen with photos or other wall hangings that highlight this color.

The healthy possibilities are endless!
In the next lesson, you'll learn how to make that feng shui "career wall" work for you - and not against you!

Until next time, here's another life-changing feng shui tip:
Feng shui tip for better living #6: Been meaning to travel more, but just haven't had the time or the money? Where to you want to go? Place photos or other images of your desired destination spot in the travel corner of your house, the far right corner as you're standing at the front door looking inward. Then, start packing your luggage. Bon voyage!