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Form school Feng Shui - Part 2

So how do I use and apply Form School Feng Shui?

Form School examines shapes and symbolism in the environment, now these can applied to a property, office, room and even your car, talking about cars this would be a good example to use, imagine you have a car without any doors, no windscreen, no front chassis, no rear screen, no bumpers etc. how insecure do you think you would feel driving that car?

You would have absolutely no support from any angle. Well Form school is exactly that you need to create support from the front, rear and sides, imagine yourself back in the car, I come along and place a rear screen, a rear bumper, rear chassis etc, you know this would make you feel more comfortable driving as you would worry less about someone running into your rear, the rear is known as the “Dark Turtle” now if I add a (Dragon) left hand door (as you sitting in the car looking out) and a seat belt, you would be halfway to the perfect car, now I add another door to the right side (white Tiger) now you are feeling really good, believe it or not though the front is often overlooked even by some practitioners, the front (Phoenix) is very important, like a car you need full unobstructed vision and the ability to drive without fear of having your body damaged from a crash, the front of your home is key, this is where you have the chance of catching water (Shui) and then using the wind (Feng) to distribute it, hence the words “Feng Shui”.