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Life Changing Lesson #7

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #7
Using feng shui to turbocharge your career!

Welcome to lesson #7 in your 10-week mini-course on the life-changing secrets of feng shui. As promised, you'll learn about that all-important "career wall" of your house (or of any room!). We'll learn how enhancing this wall by employing the proper feng shui secrets of life can jump start a stagnant or slow moving career.

So what are we waiting for?

The career wall as designated in feng shui is that wall which contains your front door. Remember that it's the entire wall of the front of your house, so it may contain more than one room. Keep in mind also that you can apply the principles used here to any room in your house. The career wall is any wall which contains the main entrance to the room.

Water is the essential element associated with your career. One of the first changes you'll want to make is to add a small waterfall or an aquarium in this area. If you can't physically place water here, then buy posters of the oceans or of a river. Do you have any photos of that trip you took to the beach last summer? I bet you have a gorgeous shot of the ocean you can put here! That certainly will get the positive career qi moving here!

And if don't have any of those, then try decorating with mirrors. That's right! A mirror is the symbolic representation of water according to feng shui principles. It'll start the flow of your career just as well as the water itself.

Those few small changes in your house should be enough to help jump start that career again - no matter what the state of the economy is!

In the next lesson, you'll discover the secret power of candles in feng shui can "make all your dreams come true!"

Until next time, here's a life-changing feng shui tip:

Feng shui for better living tip #7: Are you still looking for your soul mate? Take a good look at your bedroom. Does it shout ME, ME, ME! If it does, you're far less likely to attract the love of your life. Make room for the partner of your dreams -physically. Clear at least one-quarter of the room for another person. Yes, that means closet space too! Now, imagine another person sharing this intimate space with you. He should be knocking at the door any minute!