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Life Changing Lesson #8

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #8
Using candles to make all your dreams come true!

Feng shui holds some pretty remarkable secrets. The ease with which it can change your life is amazing. It doesn't take much sometimes to chase out that bad qi and welcome in the good energy.
Feng shui, in fact, is probably one of the easiest ways to help you realize that long cherished dream that you tucked away in the corner of your mind. It's time to pull it out and turn it into a reality - right now.

You may not have realized it, but there's even a wall in your home dedicated to doing just this. It's disguised as the fame and reputation sector. Located directly across from the career wall, as you stand at your front door looking in, you can with little effort, re-ignite that old dream.

What better way to do this than is with some candles. Of course you see the symbolism here! Accessorize this wall with a few well chosen candles. And since the natural color of this area is red, use red candles if you can find them!

The modern equivalent of fire is electricity according to feng shui standards. So, if you want to substitute any appliance or device that runs on electricity in this area, it could only enhance the ability of you to achieve your dreams.

While you're at it, you just might want to add a few stars and perhaps an image of the sun in this area too! Stars are not only celestial objects, but they reflect our common language. You've heard someone say "he's a rising star in the company." And an older, but no less popular saying, "hitch your wagon to a star."

Now, that was easy enough, wasn't it? Before you know it all sorts of "coincidences" will occur in your life that will allow you to actually act on your dream! Good luck!

In our next lesson, we'll learn the secret weapon of feng shui to chase that bad qi out of your house for good!

Until next time, here's another life-changing feng shui tip:

Feng shui for better living tip #8: Are you and your spouse trying to have a child, but with little luck? Yes, feng shui even has a remedy for this. One way to improve chances of conceiving, according to this ancient art, is to place a photo - in a metal frame - along the right wall of your home. This wall is considered the "children and creativity" area of your house!