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Life Changing Lesson #10

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #10
The most important secret to feng shui success!

Well, it's hard to believe, but we've come to the final lesson of our 10-part mini-course on the life changing secrets of feng shui.

Naturally, I've saved what I consider the best secret for last. Not because I want to torture you, but because this is the one action that ties all the principles and practices together. And I can name it in a word: intention.

That's right! No matter what changes you're making in your home to improve your energy, no matter where you place that candle or those flowers, always remember one of the biggest factors in its success is your intention for it to work.

Here's the secret about applying feng shui. Decide on one goal. Sure, I know that you'd like to change everything all at once. But choose one. Now, be specific on what you results you'd like to see. If it's with wealth and prosperity, make sure to have a specific target. How much more money do you need a month to live comfortably. Now, as you make the required changes, keep this in mind.

Even after you've make the changes, keep your goal upper most in your mind. Use positive affirmations to reaffirm your desire. This helps to create that positive qi to change your financial situation.
Before you know it, you'll have realized that goal!

Then you can methodically go on to your next problem area!

May all your qi be positive!

And, oh, yes, here's your final life-changing feng shui tip:

Feng shui for better living tip #10: When you're searching to improve relations among family members go first to the far left wall of your house. This represents family. Do two things. Place any item colored green and black here. Next, place a living tree in this sector. A small rubber plant or palm tree will do fine. Now, sit back with a cup of hot tea. You'll notice that relations are already becoming more cordial.