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Star Gazing |
But all of us can do with an uplifting of our spirit, something to bring back a flickering of some special moment of our life, perhaps a thought that leads us down a joyous pathway, something that makes us feel good, brave and courageous, perhaps pride at some past achievement. And most of all, make us feel romantic with the thought of a loved one.
So we bring you here EIGHT amazingly wonderful ways to feed your spirit, move you, tickle your emotions, inspire you, make you dream, and help you visualize the sublime! Good fortune comes with feeling happy and the best kind of happiness is when the soul is touched. So here goes. We share ways we think will move you, perhaps even make you cry a little as we talk about ...
Moments filled with love, like the first time you felt your heart fluttering, your first kiss and the realization that you are in love. The coming year is wonderfully washed with the flower of romance, so it is a good year to be feeling romantic and to be sensitive to loving vibes sent to you from a distance. If indeed this Dragon year brings you a new love interest, someone you meet who makes your heart flutter with sudden interest, open your eyes and also open the door to your heart and let the love in . No need to suppress the feeling. Do not be afraid even though these days we hear of so many "con" situations ... especially when you feel ready and want a soul mate in your life.
Let the magic of romance sift the good out for you. Activate your bedroom and your living area, but make sure none of the taboo places like toilets and kitchens, store rooms and tight corners never get romantically activated with flowers or peonies or with ducks and love birds.
Then wear a lovely protective amulet to safeguard you from "bad" people. Once you have something protective on your body, people with bad intentions simply cannot come near you ... and then there is no longer any reason to fear.
Then you can be brave and let your feelings take you where you will. Don't be afraid to let a new love interest develop into something more. Even if you are afraid of commitment OR your work has been keeping you so busy you never noticed when someone makes a move, this is how romantic opportunities dissolve and lose interest. And for those who already have someone special, make the effort to create MAGIC MOMENTS that will be memorable for the two of you - whether or not you eventually end up together. Magic moments should stay in the memory of both of you forever!
So let this New Year be different. Let circumstances create some magic for you; no need to be shy but also do not appear too keen, too eager to latch on to someone - instead just go with the flow - stay cool. But do send out loving thoughts and let your heart wander into places you might have been too afraid to go to before.
Love comes to those who genuinely want it. Remember, magical moments filled with love do not just happen. You create them!
Especially with someone, a love interest you already have; your fiance? Your husband, your wife?
We so often take our loved ones for granted that each year passes by and we lose the chance to express our love a through specially staged scenarios that may seem cheesy ... and yet which can be so filled with loving vibrations. Try any of these eight things to create your own Magic Moment ... the New Year and the festive season should give you the chance to do so ...
Sing your loved one a special song - select the most romantic song you can think of and print out the lyrics so you can both sing or hum together - not a karaoke moment but when you are out on a walk or lying in bed together. Have a bottle of champagne nearby or a glass of wine to help you both loosen your inhibitions. Creating a MAGIC MOMENT requires you to get in the mood ....
Go dancing just the two of you - not the strictly come dancing kind of ballroom dancing. Or the foot stomping rock 'n' roll fast beat dancing. No, try instead the soft, nuzzling kind of dancing - just holding one another and shuffling around the dance floor oblivious to everyone else, conscious only of each other's breathing, him smelling her perfume and she feeling so secure in his arms, eyes closed, thoughts wandering. Creating a MAGIC MOMENT requires you to have imagination.
Cook a candle lit dinner - nothing terribly demanding, a good cut of steak, a roast chicken, or some salmon sashimi. Maybe a special corned beef, or perhaps a new recipe salad - something simple yet new enough to be special. These days there are so many gourmet places to get the raw material or a pre-cooked meal that can look sophisticated enough - it's so easy. All you need is a good bottle of maybe an Australian red Shiraz or an Italian Chianti and you are on your way. It would be nice to hold this in your own place, yours or your lover's ... not in a restaurant and definitely not in anything borrowed. And remember to get really good candles. Creating
a MAGIC MOMENT requires you to make the effort.
Go down on bended knee and Propose! This is for those already dating for awhile ... doesn't matter if you are the lady or the guy in this relationship. If you have been with one another long enough (like maybe a year or so) its time someone took the initiative. There's no need to be shy about this nothing ventured nothing gained. You do not need a ring because that can come later - all you need is something stronger than usual to drink, soft music and some genuinely good news to ... and then it's time to pop the question ... does not matter if the answer is yes or no ... that too can come later. Creating a MAGIC MOMENT requires you to be relaxed about outcomes.
Write your lover a "declaration of love" - this is for those who may lack the courage to give voice to their feelings and many of you out there may be exactly like this. Borrow from the poets, the eloquent lovers of any lost era. Borrow from the movies and no need to feel embarrassed. List out all the things you love about your relationship and be warm, genuine and loving. Do not worry about the grammar or the eloquence. Creating a MAGIC MOMENT requires you to be ready to reveal your feelings.
Make a video showing your lover looking simply yummy - this might take a little bit of doing but with today's new technology phones, it's as easy as ABC. Just video your loved one every time you see him or her looking great or saying something really clever, and then string two or three of these videos together. There is nothing as seductive as someone taking the trouble to record you at your best. Creating your MAGIC MOMENT is easy with new technology!
Take your lover for dinner in another city! - ahah ... you will need to have some money for this, but these days we have budget airlines, so for instance, from KL to Singapore or to Bangkok is quite affordable now, so spring a surprise, perhaps for an anniversary of your meeting, or someone's birthday. Creating a MAGIC MOMENT is so much fun these days!
Go star gazing on a beach somewhere! This is a lot cheaper. Costs nothing really, especially if you live by the beach. But do look up your stars; know how to identify the Orion, the Southern Cross, the Evening Star and choose a night of the full moon. Creating a MAGIC MOMENT need not be expensive, but it does require you to know the night skies. To find out more, you can check out Ways To Lift Your Spirits And Tap Into Romance.