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Life Changing Lesson #4

Discovering the Life-Changing Secrets of Feng Shui
The Mini-Course
Life Changing Lesson #4:
Mapping Out Your House - the Feng Shui Way!

The ba-gua as you learned in the last session is the ultimate "map" of your home. Actually, it's an octagonal shaped that assigns each corner and wall of your home a vital life aspect. Here's specifically how it works (I'm using the contemporary version of the map, based on a "relative" placement of areas according to the location of your front door.

Stand at your front door looking toward the house. Now, the wall the front door is on is considered the career area. This is where you'll place objects, colors and symbols when you want to enhance your position at work.

The corner in the far left of your home along the career wall represents travel and the attraction of helpful people. The wall along the far right corresponds with children and creativity. The upper right hand corner of your home is the area you'll look to when you want to improve your marriage or attract romance.

The wall on the opposing the career wall is the family wall. Moving counter clockwise, the corner in the far left side of your home, as you're currently positioned, represents wealth and prosperity. The wall on the right of your home is family and the corner to your immediate right (see we've traveled the entire house) is knowledge.

And lying smack dab in the center of your home: the very important life sector of health! Notice that health is the only life sector that touches every other area! The symbolism of that couldn't be stronger now could it?

Now that you know the exact locations, you can use this same map to apply to any room of your house - your living room, your kitchen, your bedroom. Why you can even take this map and place it figuratively speaking over the top of your desk at work. Using the feng shui principles you can create an optimal feng shui qi-enhancing placement of objects on your desk as well.

In the next lesson, you'll learn more about applying the essential elements to the life sectors, so you can start amazing your family and friends with your feng shui knowledge.
Until then, here's another life-changing feng shui suggestion:

Feng shui tip for better living #4: Need encouragement about following your dreams? You'd just love to take that old childhood dream, dust it off and start working on it again. Okay, here's what you do. Take a south wall of your home - or of a room and paint it red. If you can't paint it red, place plenty of red accents on it. The south wall, or as you're entering your home, the wall that is directly opposite your front door, is that associated with respect and . . . cultivating dreams. And red will fire you up with some passion for that old goal. Try it!